start the journey home to wellness & wholeness
As Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, wisely stated:
"Every one of us has a doctor in him or her;
we just have to help it in its work."
With today's poor nutrition, stressful lifestyles, toxic environments, and misinformation, it's challenging to stay well-informed and healthy. Yet it's important, now more than ever, to have a proactive self-care approach and take responsibility for our own health.
A true healer educates rather than medicates, and with information, each of us can heal ourselves, feel empowered and help educate others. And that's the HolisticWay mission!
Educate yourself:
This page provides a comprehensive overview of natural holistic living and healing through healthy changes in the diet, lifestyle, and environment. It first explains the difference between conventional and holistic healing, how to be healthy, the importance of alkalinity (oxygenation) and the three factors that impact it: diet, lifestyle, and environment.
Then it talks about diet: essential nutrition (both adequate cleansing alkaline plant foods and nourishing healthy fats, clean water and air, and healthy full-spectrum lighting like sunlight), dietary stressors (what to avoid or limit), and healthy eating habits. It also discusses lifestyle: essential habits (physical activity, sleep, rest, play, stress management, relationships, outlook/attitude, purpose, expression), chemical stressors, and detoxification which is absolutely necessary in today's world. Finally, it discusses a fast-growing serious threat to our health: environmental stressors like air, light, and electromagnetic EMF pollution including 5G.
heal yourself:
This page provides a healing food reference and relevant information for common health conditions. It also includes a section on prevention and natural treatments for cancer, and a free cancer e-book. Learn More >
Educate yourself
Conventional Healing vs Holistic Healing
Conventional healing focuses only on treating the localized physical symptoms of illnesses using harmful synthetic drugs, invasive surgery, and radiation. It's based on the idea ('germ theory') that disease is caused by harmful microorganisms.
Holistic healing (from the word 'whole') focuses on treating the whole person by eliminating the root causes of illnesses using safe, inexpensive, non-invasive natural methods like changing the diet, lifestyle, and environment. It's based on the idea ('terrain theory') that disease is caused due to excessive dietary. lifestyle, or environmental stressors that lead to toxicity or deficiency (the root cause of disease). These stressors acidify the body/inner terrain due to reduced blood flow (oxygen and nutrients to the cell) and reduced lymph flow (waste removal from the cell) resulting in cellular damage. This causes janitorial microorganisms like bacteria and viruses to flourish, inflammation, and possible immune system (innate resilience) dysfunction and disease if the root stressors are not addressed .
The six principles of holistic health are: do no harm ('Hippocratic Oath'), tap into the healing power of nature, find the cause, treat the whole person, preventative medicine is your best medicine, and your doctor is your teacher.
To Be Healthy
We're all blessed with a self-healing body that loses this innate ability (resilience/immunity) and its natural state of balance (homeostasis) due to excessive dietary, lifestyle, or environmental stressors resulting in toxicity or deficiency. Toxicity must be addressed first through exposure reduction and detoxification because it also leads to poor gut and brain health, and therefore deficiencies and imbalances. It's often the primary cause of poor health or illness.
Educating ourselves about natural holistic health and implementing healthy changes to our diet, lifestyle, and environment is important. Diet (what we eat, drink, breath, and absorb through our skin and eyes), lifestyle (how we live), and environment (where we live) are the sources of both our nourishment and stressors, thus impacting our body's alkalinity (oxygenation). They determine not only our physical health (well-being and vitality), but mental health (memory, learning, concentration), emotional health (mood, feelings, outlook, attitude), and spiritual health (higher awareness, sense of wholeness, oneness, interconnectedness). Vibrant health and safe permanent relief from any health condition require a healthy diet, lifestyle, and environment. Some examples of informative and trustworthy sources are Dr Axe, Dr Jockers, Dr Vollmer, EarthClinic, Dr Group, etc.
Alkalinity & Health
Our health is determined by our body's alkalinity or pH level, a measure of how much oxygen is in our cells and the cell voltage. Proper pH balance (alkalinity or oxygenation) is critical for good health. The pH scale is 0-14 where 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline. The body must maintain an acid-alkaline pH that is slightly alkaline with a blood pH of about 7.35. If this balance is disturbed due to excessive dietary, lifestyle, or environmental stressors, the body/inner terrain becomes more acidic due to the reduced blood flow (oxygen & nutrients to the cell) and reduced lymph flow (waste removal from the cell). Due to the cellular damage and decay, janitorial microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites thrive and inflammation occurs. Inflammation is the body's natural response to stressors (dietary, lifestyle, environmental, or physical injury) as it tries to heal itself. We experience symptoms like low energy, aches and pain, skin problems, etc. If the body isn't supported in healing itself, the symptoms suppressed, or the stressors not reduced, it can lead to immune dysfunction (weaker resilience) and chronic inflammation, the root cause of almost all degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alzheimer, arthritis, depression, digestive disorders, etc. Restoring the body's alkalinity strengthens it and aids in its detoxification, thus returning the body to its natural healthy condition.
You can test your pH by purchasing pH strips at a local health foods store or online, and measure your saliva or urine pH. You compare the colors on the test strip to the chart that comes with the kit. Salivary and urinary pH are about 0.8 pH units less than cell pH. Normal healthy saliva pH, a rough indicator of cellular voltage, is 6.5 (equivalent to -20 mV and thus an electron donor). Cancer patients, for example, are strongly acidic and often have a saliva pH of 5.5 or less (equivalent to +30 mV and thus an electron stealer). You can test your pH one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal to observe the meal's impact on your pH. The saliva pH should be kept over 7.0 (equivalent to -50 mV) when sick to make new cells. Healthy urine pH, a rough indicator of voltage in the fluids around cells, is ideally measured after your first urine in the morning and should also be 6.5.
A healthy balanced diet has adequate cleansing foods (alkaline plant foods) and adequate nourishing foods (healthy fats). Unhealthy foods and poor eating habits have a negative effect on alkalinity. You'll learn more about this in Diet. It's also important to reduce exposure to internal stressors (physical, mental, emotional, chemical) which also acidify the body when acidic stress hormones like cortisol are produced causing inflammation in the body. Maintain healthy essential lifestyle habits, limit exposure to chemical stressors (chemicals in the food, water, and products we use), and detox regularly. You'll learn more about this in Lifestyle. Also, limit exposure to external environmental stressors like polluted air, lighting, electromagnetic radiation (EMFs), and noise which also cause the body to produce stress hormones and acidify the body. You'll learn more about these stressors in Environment. Thus, diet, lifestyle, and environment affect our body's pH balance (alkalinity/oxygenation), which determines our overall health.
Diet - Essential Nutrition (Food, Water, Air, Sunlight)
Our body needs all four elements: earth (food), water, air (oxygen), and fire (sunlight). These four external inputs affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
As Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, wisely advised: "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food." A healthy balanced diet has adequate cleansing foods (alkaline plant foods) AND adequate nourishing/building foods (healthy fats and protein).
Eating alkaline plant foods cleanses the body by removing toxins and acidic waste products created by our cells, while eating healthy fats and protein nourishes the brain, nervous system, and hormonal system by providing the building blocks for their proper functioning.
If healthy, the diet should consist of at least 60% alkaline-forming foods and if sick, at least 80%. Generally, alkaline-forming foods include: sea vegetables, land vegetables, some fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and sprouts. Acid-forming foods include: meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and grains. Check this Alkaline-Acid Food Guide (or here and here). In addition to cleansing alkaline foods, adequate nourishing foods from healthy fats are needed. These foods include grass-fed meat (especially organ meats) and dairy products, pastured eggs, non-farmed fish or seafood, sea vegetables, tropical oils like coconut and palm oil, avocados, olives, cacao beans, nuts, seeds, etc. Vegetarians and vegans need adequate nourishing foods found in healthy fats, NOT carbohydrates like grains.
(1) Eat healthy fats: Healthy fats are the most nourishing foods for the body. They were a key part of our infant and ancestral diet, and are essential for the proper development and functioning of the brain, nervous system, and hormonal system (mental and emotional health). They provide a concentrated clean source of energy (superfuel), provide the building blocks for cell membranes, the brain, hormones, and are needed for liver, immune system, heart, lungs, bones, neurotransmitters, blood sugar regulation, satiety (feeling full), and transport of fat-soluble nutrients. The human body's cell membranes are made of fat (50% saturated fats, 40% monounsaturated fats, and 10% polyunsaturated fats). The brain is made of about 2/3 fat (~67%), and our nerves are protected by myelin sheaths (insulating layers) made mostly of fat, so fats are important for the brain and nervous system to function properly. Some examples of vital fat-soluble nutrients are: vitamins A, D, E, and K; minerals like calcium and magnesium; carotenoids like carotenes, lycopene, lutein, astaxanthin; and curcumin.
The three types of healthy fats are: saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated omega 3 fats. Transfats, on the other hand, are unhealthy, toxic, man-made (not natural) hydrogenated fats that clog up arteries and lead to many health problems like heart disease. They must be avoided. Also, polyunsaturated omega 6 fats are inflammatory and must be limited. Saturated fat sources are organic grass-fed animals (esp. organ meats) and organic, raw, grass-fed dairy products (like butter, ghee, yoghurt, raw milk, cream, cheese, etc), tropical oils like coconut oil (highest food source) and palm oil, cacao beans/butter, and egg yolks. Human beings have been consuming saturated fats from grass fed animals and tropical oils for thousands of years; it is the arrival of modern industrially processed vegetable oils that is associated with the epidemic of modern degenerative disease, not the consumption of saturated fats. Actually, 'vegetable oils' is a deliberate misnomer which really means industrial seed/grain/legume oils. Contrary to popular belief, transfats and processed vegetable oils are toxic, clog the arteries with fatty plaques, and cause heart disease, NOT saturated fats and cholesterol which are both necessary for good physical, mental, and emotional health. The liver produces cholesterol daily, and it does this because it is an essential nutrient whose function is to repair and protect. Having too little cholesterol negatively impacts brain health, hormone levels, nervous system, bile salts (for digestion), heart disease risk, and more. Monounsaturated fats (omega 7 and 9 fats) also contain healthy fatty acids, and the best food sources are olives, avocados, cacao beans/butter, almonds, macadamia nuts and all their oils. Polyunsaturated omega 6 fats are in many foods in the western diet, and because they are inflammatory, they must be limited (ideally 1:1 ratio with anti-inflammatory omega3s). Vegetables (not grains or legumes) are a healthy food source of polyunsaturated omega 6 fats. Massive consumption of omega 6 from corn oil (a grain, not vegetable), soybean oil, peanut oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil (all in many foods today) has caused an unhealthy balance in our diet leading to chronic inflammation and many health problems and diseases. Healthy, anti-inflammatory polyunsaturated omega 3 fats from wild cold-water fish (low heavy metal and naturally fatty fish like salmon, mackarel, sardines, anchovies, and herring are best), sea vegetables and algae, walnuts, and hemp/chia/perilla/sacha inchi seeds or oils should be increased. Fish oils from krill oil and green-lipped mussels are a good food source. Hemp seeds are a good plant source of omega3s since more seafood is getting contaminated with heavy metals, plastics, and radiation (from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster). The superfood hempseeds or hemp oil is high in omega3s and a good complete digestible protein source. Grass-fed meat and fish-fed or plankton-fed fish/seafood contain healthy omega 3 fats while grain-fed meat and fish is high in unhealthy inflammatory omega 6s. Essential omega 3 fats must be consumed through the diet or supplemented because the body cannot synthesize them. The powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant "king of cartenoids" astaxanthin is a great addition to any omega3, especially for its huge benefits to the eyes, brain, and skin (nature's internal sunscreen).
In summary, some good sources of healthy fats are: organic pastured or free-range grass-fed meats (especially organ meats like liver) and organic, raw, grass-fed dairy products (like butter, ghee, yoghurt, raw milk, cream, cheese, etc); wild, non-farmed cold-water fish or seafood; organic pastured or free range egg yolks; coconuts and coconut oil, cacao beans/butter, olives and olive oil, palm oil (found at asian stores), raw nuts like almonds and walnuts, unheated organic nut oils, and avocados. Local farmers markets, family farms, and other sources of clean, grass-fed meat and dairy products in the US can be found online at localharvest and eatwild. The highest food source of saturated fats is the superfood coconut oil. Coconut oil is the most nourishing food and boosts the immune system, improves heart health, controls blood sugar, increases metabolism and energy, improves liver, pancreas, kidney, gallbladder, brain, bone, and hair health, and is great for skin care and for healing wounds and burns. The highest food source of monounsaturated fats is extra virgin olive oil, and of polyunsaturated omega 3 fats is fish oils like krill oil. The ketogenic diet is high in anti-inflammatory healthy fats and low in protein and carbs. The body adapts to using fats (ketones) as an energy source instead of the standard carbs (glucose). It's the best way to address sugar and carb addiction, compulsive overeating, candida overgrowth or other microbes, adrenal fatigue, alcohol and drug addiction, anxiety disorders, depression and other mental health issues or autonomic nervous system disorders. Carbohydrates fuel each of these conditions by disrupting or overstimulating the endocrine system and/or the brain. Not only will you overcome cravings for sugar, carbs, caffeine, and other addictive substances and have more emotional stability, but also reduce your risk of all diet related conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. Learn more about the ketogenic diet here and here. And try some delicious, healthy keto recipes here. A recipe for a nutrient-dense smoothie is a blend of 1 or 2 raw pastured eggs, 1 tablespoon of grass-fed butter/ghee, and 1 tablespoon raw honey.
(2) Eat healthy protein: Protein (amino acids) is what the body uses to build, repair, and maintain itself, in addition to producing neurotransmitters needed for emotional stability and brain health. Some good food sources of protein (and healthy fats) are organic pastured or free-range grass-fed meats (especially organ meats like liver) and organic, raw, grass-fed dairy products (like butter, ghee, yoghurt, raw milk, cream, cheese, etc); wild, non-farmed cold-water fish or seafood; organic pastured chicken and eggs. Animal protein sources are more nutrient dense and easily digestible and absorbed than plant-based protein.
Sea vegetables like kelp, laver/nori, wakame/alaria, kombu, hizike, bladderwrack, and dulce are 10-20 times more nutrient and amino acid dense than land vegetables and plants. Sea vegetable superfoods spirulina (70% digestible protein) and chlorella are high in minerals and trace minerals, protein, iodine, rare earth elements, chlorophyl, and phytonutrients. Spirulina, a blue-green algae, is the 'mother food' having evolved over billions of years, and provides a synergetic (and full spectrum) combination of all of nature's raw materials for healing the body. Sea vegetables like spirulina are great for cleansing/detoxing and are the most protective foods against radiation and environmental pollutants. Other plant sources include fermented beans like natto or tempeh, dark leafy greens, cruciferous veggies., and legumes/pulses like beans/peas/lentils (soaked, fermented, or sprouted).
Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein and healthy fats, of minerals like magnesium, and of fiber. Also, they're an easy healthy way to lose weight because: they're a healthy substitute for sugary snacks (since they protect the heart and stabilize blood sugars); fill you up naturally (oleic acid stops hunger) and you feel full longer; and they make nutritious mini meals. Nuts are only fattening and unhealthy if roasted or fried in an unhealthy fattening hydrogenated vegetable oil or if sugar and refined table salt is added. The healthiest nuts are raw almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, and macadamias. Like nuts, seeds are a vital part of our diet. Seeds are high in fiber, vitamin E, and both monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fats that help keep the heart and body healthy. Healthy seeds are also good sources of protein, minerals, zinc and other vital nutrients. Seeds and nuts can also help prevent weight gain. The healthiest seeds are raw pumpkin, sunflower, hemp, chia, flax, and sesame seeds. The superfood hempseeds or hemp oil is high in complete digestible protein (in addition to being a good source of omega 3 fats). Since nuts and seeds contain some anti-nutrients like lectins and phytates, they are best eaten in moderation (a handful or two a day). Otherwise, it's best to soak (in salt water for few hours then dry) or sprout them so that they're easier to digest, and their nutrients are more easily absorbed.
(3) Eat healthy carbohydrates: Carbs provide fuel for the body in the form of glucose or sugar. But the body burns only what it needs for its immediate energy requirements while the rest is stored as fat. Healthy carbs typically have a low glycemic index or load (meaning they don't cause big increases in blood sugar/glucose levels and thus insulin level spikes and weight gain) and don't cause overstimulation of neurotransmitters in the brain, the adrenal glands, or the endocrine (hormonal) system. They are consumed in their unprocessed whole and natural state, which makes them high in fiber and nutrients. Above ground (non-starchy vegetables) and whole low-fructose fruits are the healthiest carbs while other carbs are best limited. Unhealthy carbs cause big increases in blood sugar levels and weight, and overstimulate neurotransmitters and hormones. These mostly acidic and addictive foods/drinks include refined and whole grains, starchy vegetables, legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts), all sugars and artificial sweeteners, molasses, high fructose fruits, high fructose corn syrup, grain alcohol, sodas, milk sugar lactose, and processed foods. Grain-fed meat, fish, and dairy should also be limited. Grains and legumes also contain anti-nutrients (substances that reduce nutrient absorption and damage the digestive tract/gut) and are difficult to digest. They can lead to chronic inflammation and many of todays modern diseases. Grain-like seeds like quinoa, millet, amaranth, perilla, buckwheat, teff, and hemp are a healthy alternative to grains.
A high unhealthy carb diet (grains, sugar/sweeteners, and starchy foods) damages the gut flora by feeding pathogens and fungus (candida) leading to inflammation and many degenerative diseases, depression, and mental, learning, and behavioral disorders. It disrupts and depletes important neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and GABA that regulate our emotional states and result in anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, alcoholism, attention deficit, hyperactivity, and much more. It also results in carb cravings and leads to overeating and obesity. Because it's both physically and psychologically addictive, breaking this habit requires strong determination, gradual dietary changes including a higher healthy fat diet (like the ketogenic diet), a high quality probiotic, and gradual detoxification. Adding raw apple cider vinegar to your drinking water helps reduce sugar cravings. Another easy way to eliminate a sweet craving is to have 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or to have some nuts with a few slices of fruit. Low carb diets (like the ketogenic diet) are an effective way to lose weight and get healthy. Refined carbohydrates are not filling: wheat is an appetite stimulant, fructose doesn’t suppress the hunger, and sugar is an addictive substance. Foods that contain these ingredients cause hunger, cravings, and the tendency to overeat. Contrary to popular belief, a diet high in unhealthy carbohydrates, not saturated fats, causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases.
(4) Eat mineral-rich foods: Minerals alkalize the body, are needed for enzyme function, for nutrient transfer across cell membranes, and to provide structural and functional support for the body (regulate and maintain bone, muscle, nerve, and tissue function and growth). The more mineral-rich a food is, the higher it's pH or alkalinity (oxygen content). Currently, soils contain only about 15% of the minerals they had 100 years ago due to synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and monoculture. The most important mineral is magnesium (the "king of minerals") and is vital for life and good health. It relaxes muscles, strengthens bones, controls hundreds of biochemical reactions, calms nerves, aids in deep sleep, keeps the heart healthy and the immune system strong, helps with proper calcium absorption, regulates blood sugar levels, detoxes chemicals, and has many other benefits. The highest food source of magnesium is the superfood raw cacao beans which is also high in antioxidants and seratonin-boosting chemicals. Other good sources are sea vegetables, dark leafy greens, raw nuts like almonds, seeds like pumpkin seeds, okra, and figs. Most people are magnesium deficient due to chronic stress and an acidic diet. The most obvious symptoms are muscle cramps/spasms, abnormal heart rhythm, and chronic anxiety. Since it's difficult to get adequate magnesium from food sources, supplement with at least 600mg/day; citrate, ionic, chloride, orotate, or bisglycinate forms fine (with bisglycinate chelate form best for absorption). Avoid taking too much calcium or poorly absorbed calcium because it calcifies the arteries leading to kidney stones, arthritis, and higher risk of heart disease. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need dairy products to get sufficient calcium. Many green vegetables and leafy greens, fish like salmon, nuts like almonds, and seeds provide sufficient calcium. Almonds are actually higher in calcium than dairy. Magnesium and vitamin D help with the proper absorption of calcium. Magnesium and vitamin D deficiencies are very common and responsible for many diseases. Grass-fed meat (especially organ meats) and dairy products, pastured eggs, non-farmed fish or seafood, sea vegetables, tropical oils like coconut and palm oil, avocados, olives, cacao beans, nuts, seeds are mineral-rich foods. Organ meats are very high in vital minerals like iron and zinc. Other mineral plant food sources are zinc (from pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, spinach, collard greens, avocados), iron (from spinach, green leafy veggies, watermelon), potassium (from bananas, spinach, cauliflowers, tomatoes, kiwi, grapefruit), sulfur (from raw garlic, onion, cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, asparagus, organic pastured eggs), selenium (from brazil nuts) and iodine (from sea vegetables like kelp, spirulina and chlorella, and seaweeds/algae/marine phytoplankton). Many people, especially in the West, are deficient in vital iodine. Kelp has the highest amount of iodine of any food on the planet, and one serving offers 4 times the daily minimum requirement (1 tbsp kelp= 2000mcg of iodine). Himalayan salt is another great source (1 gram has 500mcg of iodine).
(5) Eat vitamin-rich foods: Vitamins are used for growth, metabolism, and nerve function. Many are fat-soluble (not water-soluble) so they are absorbed better when taken with fats. The most important vitamins are: Vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that boosts the immune system and helps detoxify the body, and Vitamin D, a prohormone that activates hundreds of genes that promote health and greatly reduces our risk of getting chronic diseases. Vitamin D (as well as magnesium) deficiencies are common and responsible for many diseases. Vitamin B12 is another common deficiency. The highest vitamin C food sources are superfoods like camu camu, goji berries, acerola berries, amla berries, and acai berries. Some good food sources of vitamin C are cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cabbage, berries, and citric fruits like grapefruit, lemons and limes. Lypospheric vitamin C is very highly bioavailable delivering more vitamin C to cells orally than even mega-dose intravenous vitamin C. It can also be made at home. Synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is made of GM corn so food-sourced vitamin C is best. The best source of Vitamin D is direct sunshine. If you're unable to get some sunshine, the best food sources of Vitamin D are shitake and button mushrooms, fish like mackarel, salmon, sardines, and cod liver, kelp, alfalfa, nettle, hemp and sunflower seeds, or supplement with natural vitamin D3 (not synthetic D2). Grass-fed meat (especially organ meats) and dairy products, pastured eggs, non-farmed fish or seafood, and sea vegetables are high in vital B vitamins. Other vitamin plant food sources are vitamin A (from broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, apricots), vitamin B1/thiamin (from nuts, sunflower seeds, watermelon), vitamin B2/riboflavin (from broccoli, spinach, mushrooms), vitamin B3/niacin (broccoli, leafy greens, tomatoes), vitamin B6 (from walnuts, bananas, watermelon), vitamin B12 (from sea vegetables like spirulina), vitamin B17/laetrile (from apricot seeds and apple seeds), vitamin E (from leafy greens, spinach, nuts, avocados, sunflower seeds), vitamin K (from cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, leafy greens like kale and spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, parsley,) and vitamin K2 (from fermented foods).
(6) Eat probiotic-rich foods, many of which are fermented foods like kimchi, saurkraut, pickles, fermented veggies, miso soup, natto, tempeh, kefir, kombucha tea, raw (unpasteurized) goat milk/cheese/yoghurt, blue green algae (superfoods like spirulina and chlorella), or take a high quality probiotic. You can also make your own fermented foods and drinks at home. Wild fermentation takes a month or longer, while using a starter culture takes 7-10 days. Probiotics provide the gut (digestive tract) with beneficial bacteria (flora) which strengthen the immune system, aid in digestion and detoxification, and improve nutrient absorption dramatically. Good health is dependent upon a healthy gut, and a healthy gut is dependent upon good flora, so probiotics are essential. The body should have at least 80% friendly bacteria (only 20% bad bacteria) in the gut. Because most of the body's immune system activity (about 80%) comes from the gut, it is the center of immunity where all disease begins. As Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, stated: "All disease begins in the gut". It is also our second brain because it contains more nerve cells than the entire spinal cord and surprisingly produces more of the 'feel good' neurotransmitter serotonin than the brain itself. Gut flora produces antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic substances, as well as digestive enzymes and essential vitamins. It protects the body from toxins in our food and byproducts of digestion, either by neutralizing toxins or carrying them out of the body (detoxing). Balanced gut flora prevents candida and harmful organism overgrowth. It also keeps the gut wall healthy which prevents the contents (like food particles, microbes, toxins) from leaking into the bloodstream ("leaky gut") causing immune dysfunction (i.e. allergies, eczema, asthma, food intolerances, IBS, etc.), increased toxicity in the body, and organ damage. Thus poor gut health leads to both toxicity and malnourishment (nutritional deficiency). Gut flora can be damaged due to: poor diet (like GMOs, anti-nutrients like lectins in grains and legumes, sugary/starchy foods, etc), antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, birth control pills, long use of prescription drugs, chronic stress, conventional dairy, bottle feeding, pollution, radiation, over-consumption of alcohol, toxic chemicals, dental work, and tap water (has chlorine, sometimes fluoride, etc). If the gut isn’t functioning properly, the body is doomed.
(7) Eat enzyme-rich foods. Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed up all biochemical reactions needed to build, maintain, and repair the body. The two types are: digestive enzymes which help digest food, and metabolic or systemic enzymes which provide overall support and healing. When these enzymes, which our body produces or obtains from food, are not used for digestion, they perform many vital metabolic functions which have a huge impact on overall health and healing. Some enzyme-rich foods include fermented foods and drinks, bee pollen and raw honey, apple cider vinegar, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, avocados, bananas, mangoes, etc. Some tips to increase you enzymes is: eat more raw fruits and veggies (cooking destroys enzymes) and fermented foods and drinks, eat less food (about 80% of body’s energy and enzymes are used to digest food), chew food slowly and well (digestion begins in mouth mainly with amylase enzymes in your saliva breaking down carbs), soak and sprout grains, nuts, and seeds (increases enzyme content), or take a full-spectrum enzyme supplement with your meals (as a digestive aid) or on an empty stomach (for overall wellness and healing).
(8) Eat hormone-balancing foods. There are two major types of endocrine hormones: steroids and peptides. Steroids are generally sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, created from cholesterol in the ovaries and testes. Their imbalances can create problems with sexual function and reproduction (like sterility), mood, growth and development. Peptides are concerned with regulating blood sugar (insulin hormone) and sleep cycles (melatonin hormone for ensuring deep sleep). Thyroid hormones are peptides that tend to regulate metabolism in general. Hormones are produced using healthy fats and cholesterol, so lack of these important dietary factors can cause hormonal problems simply because the body doesn’t have the building blocks to make them. The superfood maca, a Peruvian tuber cruciferous vegetable that grows high in the Andes, is a powerful endocrine adaptogen that balances hormones according to one's needs, increases energy, fertility, stamina, libido (it's known as 'nature's viagra'), reduces stress, anxiety, depression, menopause/PMS/PCOS symptoms, insomnia, and other hormonal related problems. Some good food sources for hormone balancing are saturated and monounsaturated fats like coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, raw nuts, organic grass-fed butter/ghee/yogurt, and egg yolks, while some good nutrients are omega-3 fatty acids (like krill oil, green-lipped mussels, or hempseeds), fermented foods (probiotics), vitamin D3, and phytonutrients (like spirulina). For detoxing and reducing excess estrogen, cruciferous veggies are very effective, and it's best to avoid high estrogen foods like soy, sugar, and conventional meat and dairy. We are constantly exposed to endocrine/hormone disrupting (estrogen-mimicking) chemicals in the environment, food (like pesticides and herbicides), personal care products (like pthalates), and household products (like BPA plastic or teflon). They lead to hormonal imbalances causing infertility, depression, sleep disorders, and many health problems. It's best to minimize or avoid exposure to these chemicals. Learn more about this in 'Lifestyle- Chemical Stressors'.
(9) Eat organic foods whenever possible because it's safer and healthier since free of pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, irradiation, and genetic modified GM ingredients. If not organic, you can clean vegetables and fruits using 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 gallon water, then rinse to remove at least surface chemical residues like pesticides and herbicides. Or use white vinegar, sea salt, or himalayan salt. To see what pesticides are on your food and their human health effects, check the WhatsOnMyFood website. Per the EWG, buy these 'dirty dozen plus list' of produce organic only because they are the heaviest sprayed with pesticides: apples, celery, tomatoes, kale, grapes, hot peppers, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, pears, and cherries. The 'cleanest 15 list', which are the least sprayed (so don't need to be bought organic) are: asparagus, avocados, cabbage, cantaloupe, sweet corn, eggplant, grapefruit, kiwi, mangos, mushrooms, onions, pineapple, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, and watermelon. EWG's annual 'dirty dozen list' can be found here. Keep in mind, more and more conventional foods and fresh produce like meat, shellfish, almonds, milk, lettuce, spinach, veggies, fruits, spices, seasonings, wheat, potatoes, eggs, sprouting seeds like alfalfa, etc. are being irradiated or pasteurized which makes them dead (destroys their nutrients and enzymes) and produces toxic byproducts. Irradiated foods are now not labeled (since not required by law), thus the consumer is unaware. So eat as much organic as possible. Also since 2000, almost all new food chemicals are not FDA reviewed because food companies use the GRAS loophole.
(10) Eat fresh, whole (not processed), local, seasonal foods. Also, eat a variety of colors in foods (the rainbow) because each color provides different nutrients and phytonutrients. For example, green foods contain lutein and indoles, red foods lycopene and anthocyanins, dark orange foods beta-carotene, yellow-orange foods bioflavonoids, blue and purple foods phenolics and anthocyanins, and white foods allicin.
(11) Eat raw, lightly steamed, slow cooked, or light stir-fried foods. Limit or avoid deep fried or high heat cooking. Less cooked and lower heat cooking is healthier because it preserves both the nutrients and the food's natural digestive enzymes. This frees up much of the 80% of energy typically used in the digestive process, and can be used for self-healing and to achieve higher states of mind and well being. Gradually increase the amount of plant foods and raw foods into your diet.
(12) Use healthy oils if frying. For high temperature, use coconut oil, palm oil, butter, ghee (clarified butter), or grass-fed animal fat like beef tallow and lard (pork fat). For low to medium temperature, use virgin olive oil (best), almond/macadamia oil, or sesame oil. Coconut oil, a superfood, is one of mother nature's most perfect foods, is great for cooking, and has many other uses and benefits as well. The best oils (most stable at high heat) are saturated (best) and monounsaturated oils (for low to medium temperature only). Polyunsaturated oils are not stable and thus not good for cooking, and many are chemically processed using hexane extraction making them unhealthy and toxic. So avoid cooking with toxic inflammatory omega 6 vegetable oils like corn, soy, canola, rice bran, grapeseed, sunflower, and safflower. The high consumption of these processed polyunsaturated vegetable oils (inflammatory omega 6 oils) in the diet today (used in cooking and in many processed foods) leads to chronic inflammation, the root cause of many health problems and diseases today. You can also avoid frying with oils by baking or grilling meats and steaming vegetables, then sprinkling some oil afterwards if you like.
(13) Cooking, soaking, sprouting, or fermenting grains, legumes/beans, nuts, and seeds reduces the enzyme inhibitors and anti-nutrients (substances that prevent the body from absorbing nutrients and damage the digestive tract/gut). Sprouting and fermenting increases their nutritional benefits enormously. For soaking, soak for at least 12 hours in warm water (with sea salt added best), rinse, and then sun dry, low-temperature oven dry, or dry using a food dehydrator.
(14) Eat superhealthy foods like: cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, collard greens, kohlrabi, mustard, rutabaga, turnips, bok choy, arugula, horse radish, radish, wasabi, watercress, etc), dark green leafy veggies (spinach, kale, dandelion, mustard greens, swiss chard, etc), avocados, olives, cucumbers, garlic, ginger, turmeric, parsley, papaya or pineapple (have natural digestive enzymes), watermelon, raw nuts (almonds/walnuts/macadamias/brazil nuts), sprouts, raw seeds (sunflower/ pumpkin/ sesame/ chia/ hemp seeds), berries, lemons/limes, raw unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar, sea vegetables and seaweeds, fermented foods, cayenne pepper/chilis, cloves, oregano, etc.
Some healthy spices and herbs and their benefits are: turmeric/curcumin ("the king of spices", crosses brain-blood barrier, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, pain relief, boosts immunity, anti-carcinogenic, improves digestion, detoxes liver, maintains cholesterol/blood pressure/triglycerides, arthritis relief, prevents/treats diseases like cancer, regulates metabolism and weight management, memory and brain function, various skin conditions, neurological disorders, etc); cayenne or capsicum ("the queen of spices", blood circulation, heart health including prevent and stop heart attacks, improve digestion, nausea/gas/headache relief, weight loss, sinuses, pain relief, boost immune system, prevent/treat diseases like cancer, etc); ginger (blood circulation, warmth, relieving nausea, morning sickness, upset stomach, motion sickness, altitude sickness, anti-inflammatory, cramping, indigestion, migraines, gas, fevers, better breathing, regulate menstruation, etc); oregano (antibiotic, antifungal, etc); cilantro (detoxes heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, etc); rosemary (eases arthritis, cancer prevention, increase circulation/energy/alertness, stop bad breath, gas relief, stimulate hair growth, radiation protection, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, etc); cardamom (aphrodisiac/circulation to private parts, etc); saffron (asthma, sleep, memory enhancer, etc); cinnamon (reduce/balance blood sugar, diarrhea, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, etc).
Also, eat superfoods like spirulina, chlorella , raw cacao, maca, coconut oil, hemp seeds/oil, noni, bee pollen, aloe vera, and acai berries. Due to our nutrient-deficient soils and diet, our active stressful lifestyle, and our polluted environment, I recommend supplementation with these nutrient-rich superfoods. They are living, nutrient-dense foods that contain vitamins, minerals, proteins (amino acids), probiotics, phytonutrients, antioxidants, healthy fats, hormones, enzymes, and detoxifiers. The minimum daily nutritional supplementation can include at least a superfood mix (like Vibrant Health's Green vibrance) or an adaptogen (like Gaia Herb's Ashwagandha), and the two vital nutrients that most people are deficient in: magnesium and vitamin D3.
Or have a twice daily nutrient-dense drink: 1 raw pastured-only egg, 1 Tbsp grassfed-only butter or ghee (if lactose intolerant), and 1 Tbsp raw honey, then blend & enjoy!
(15) Drink clean mineral-rich water. Drink plenty of clean water daily to stay properly hydrated. Drinking a full glass of water with a lemon/lime as soon as you wake up is a great way to start your day. It alkalizes the body, is good for digestion, cleanses the liver (detox), boosts the immune system (vitamin C), reduces inflammation, and helps you lose weight. To check if you're properly hydrated, observe your urine color. It should be light yellow to clear if you’re adequately hydrated. Also, eat more foods which naturally contain lots of water like cucumbers, watermelons, and green leafy veggies. Make sure to stay adequately hydrated especially when hot, after physical activity, and when sick or detoxing.
Tap water and most bottled water is not safe to drink because of toxic chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals like lead and arsenic, trace amounts of pesticides, industrial pollutants, and more contaminants. In the US, you can check what contaminants are in your local water supply by visiting EWG Tap Water Database and entering your zip code. Fluoride, an industrial waste, is linked to cancer, infertility, lower IQs, hardening of arteries, docility, and many other health problems. It's also found in pesticides, medicines, toothpaste, teflon cookware, many teas, and even baby food. So buy bottled spring water (must have mineral content on label) or find a spring near you. An inexpensive option is to refill big bottles with purified water (using reverse osmosis RO machines in your supermarket or neighborhood). This filtered water has no contaminants, but has no minerals as well, so one option is to add three tablespoons of unpasteurized raw apple cider vinegar to one gallon of the purified water to remineralize it again. The apple cider vinegar not only re-mineralizes the water, but also offers many other health benefits including detoxing the body. If there was a panacea to treat almost any ailment, it's raw apple cider vinegar. Or, add himalayan salt to remineralize the water. A pinch of himalayan salt in water is also a healthier alternative to sports drinks to replace electrolytes. Or add a few drops of lemon/lime into your water. If you're adequately eating an alkaline diet or supplementing daily to alkalize you body, you don’t need to re-mineralize the water. Or get a whole house reverse osmosis filter system. EWG's water filter buying guide can be found here. The zerowater brand water filter is high quality, inexpensive, and can be found at any big supermarket or online. Keep in mind, we absorb even more water taking hot showers than drinking, so buy a good shower filter to remove chlorine and other contaminants in the tap water, or buy a whole house filter. The body absorbs more water during a 10 minute hot shower than drinking eight glasses of water. If you don't have a shower filter, avoid hot showers since the body absorbs much water through the skin when the water is hot, so take warm or cool showers instead. Finishing a shower with the coldest water boosts blood circulation and the immune system, and helps relieve stress and depression.
(16) Take deep breaths often especially when the air is clean and in highly oxygenated places like in nature. Proper oxygenation is key to the very foundation of health because it means having a healthy bloodstream, the vital system that transports oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body. With each breath, you can stimulate the life processes of each and every cell in your body. It not only controls the oxygenation of the cells, but partially regulates the flow of lymph fluid containing both white blood cells (major players in the immune system) and toxic wastes (thus detoxing the body). The WimHof breathing exercise is excellent for alkalizing and energizing the body and mind thus offering many life-changing health benefits (especially in addition to the cold water exposure). Learn more about WimHof here.
(17) Get minimum 20-30 minutes of direct sunlight to exposed skin and without sunscreen daily. Sunlight is essential food too and the best source of vital vitamin D, a prohormone that activates hundreds of genes that promote health and greatly reduces our risk of getting chronic diseases. Vitamin D has been shown to prevent more than 70% of all cancers. Make sure not to get more than mildly pink or sunburned while slowly increasing your direct sun exposure. If you're unable to get some sunshine, the best food sources are shitake and button mushrooms, fish like mackarel, salmon, sardines, and cod liver, hemp and sunflower seeds. But to get sufficient vitamin D, its best to supplement with at least 5000mg of natural vitamin D3 (not synthetic D2). Indoor lighting is also very important for our health since it also provides a spectrum of frequencies and colors that can either harm the body or regenerate it. The red and lower infrared color wavelengths (630-850nm) are especially beneficial to health. Limit or avoid exposure and the use of CFL and LED lights which are damaging to the health for many reasons, and use the safe clear incandescent light bulbs which provide a more balanced full spectrum of light. Learn more about light pollution in 'Environmental Stressors'.
Diet - Dietary Stressors
(1) Avoid or limit GM (genetically modified) foods like soy, corn, cottonseed, canola (rapeseed), and sugarbeet (sugar) since they are mostly GM (~90%). Other common ones are aspartame, yeast, dairy, alfalfa, Hawaiian papaya, yellow squash, and zucchini. Tomatoes, rice, and peas have been approved but are not commercially available yet. Unapproved GMO wheat has contaminated fields but the extent is unknown. Most processed foods now has a GM ingredient. GM foods are not even labeled in the US, while they are in Europe. In the US, produce with a PLU code (5 digit number) in the sticker that starts with '8' means the product is GM but it's optional and rarely used. Per the Codex Commitee's 2019 meeting, GMO foods worldwide will soon be mislabeled and disguised under the term 'biofortified' or 'bioengineered or 'BE'. Unfortunately, cross-contamination often occurs (wind, insects, seeds, etc.) so non-GMO foods get contaminated. GM salmon, potatoes, and apples were recently approved and are available commercially. As of 2017, GMO salmon is being sold in Canada without labeling. You can read the latest global GMO news here.
There is much evidence that GM food has many serious health effects like cancer, DNA damage, and infertility. It damages the gut (our immunity center) allowing undigested food & toxins to enter the bloodstream ('leaky gut') leading to immune dysfunction (i.e. allergies, eczema, asthma, food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, etc.), increased toxicity in the body, and organ damage. GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to cause rapid tumor growth. A shocking new study completed in 2012, led by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen, was the first ever study to examine the long-term (lifetime) effects of eating GMOs. It concluded that the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto's genetically modified corn and consuming trace levels of Monsanto's Roundup pesticide (glyphosate) caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. The findings from the study showed that up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death, rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors, and rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organ damage including liver damage and kidney damage. They also found that the vast majority of pesticides sold on the commercial market are far more toxic than thought because the "inert" ingredients make these assumed-to-be-harmless formulas hundreds, or even thousands, of times more toxic than their approved active ingredients. GMOs also cause major environmental damage due to deforestation, heavy pesticide/herbicide use (like toxic Roundup/glyphosate), and pollution. And despite the GM crop propaganda, GM crops are lowering yields and increasing pesticide and herbicide use.
For tips on avoiding GMOs and a non-GMO shopping guide, check the Non-GMO Shopping Guide. Buying or growing organic food is both safe (no pesticides and not GM), healthy, and environment-friendly. It's best to cleanse your body of harmful GMOs and heal your gut in conjunction with a cleansing diet. Probiotics like fermented foods and raw apple cider vinegar can help protect the body from GMOs and the toxic chemicals they are sprayed with, and help rebuild a damaged gut (digestive system).
(2) Avoid or limit the 'dirty dozen plus list' of conventional produce and buy organic only if you can because they are the heaviest sprayed with pesticides. These are: apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, sweet bell peppers, kale, collard greens, and summer squash. EWG's annual 'dirty dozen list' (most heavily sprayed produce list) can be found here. Otherwise, wash with water and raw apple cider vinegar (or white vinegar, sea salt, or himalayan salt) to reduce the surface chemical residues. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides wreak havoc on the body. Many of these toxins are endocrine disruptors. They interrupt hormone balance and cause disease, including thyroid disorders, obesity, and infertility. They damage the intestinal lining causing leaky gut and autoimmune disease. They also disrupt neurotransmitters in the brain, which can lead to a wide range of psychological conditions like depression, anxiety, etc. Neurotransmitters affect every facet of our life including our thoughts, moods, behaviors, perception, energy, memory, cognitive functions and ability to focus. Also, some of these chemicals are known carcinogens that increase the risks of certain cancers.
(3) Avoid or limit toxins by checking the label ingredients or referencing EWG's food score guide. These toxins include:
- Monosodium glutamate MSG, an addictive neurotoxin commonly used as a flavor enhancer. Check its many hidden names here.
- Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, an addictive carcinogenic neurotoxin, in 'diet' drinks, 'sugar-free'' products, and even supplements/medications, that causes seizures, blindness, obesity, diabetes, depression, and a long list of serious health issues. It's also called Equal, NutraSweet, Phenylalanine, Spoonful, Canderel, E951, Benevia, and now Aminosweet (without being labeled!). The FDA has received more reports on reactions to aspartame than all other food additives combined. Also avoid the toxic artificial sweetener saccharin (also called 'sweet n low').
- Sugar is not a food; it's a harmful chemical and an addictive drug (much more addictive than cocaine). Avoid or limit sugars like white or brown sugars, corn syrup, splenda (sucralose), high fructose (fruit sugar), sucrose, dextrose, maltose, glucose, polydextrose, maltodextrin, maltodextrose, erythritol, sorbitol, malitol, lactose (dairy sugar) which increase blood sugar levels, weaken the immune system (for 4 hours after consumption), and are food for cancer cells. Xylitol, which is touted as a healthy sweetener, is also a sugar alcohol (often made from GM corn) that is processed with toxic chemicals. Sugar alcohols cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and digestive issues for many people. Also, avoid stevia powder (like the popular products truvia and purevia) because it's processed, usually contains maltodextrin/GM corn, and is not the natural stevia plant. Use natural sweeteners like: coconut palm sugar (best), liquid stevia only, raw honey (manuka honey best), monk fruit (luo han guo), or cinnamon spice in moderation.
- Sodium nitrate, a cancer causing additive to preserve meat and give it a fresh pink color.
- Bad unhealthy fats = Transfats = hydrogenated oils - found in commercially prepared baked and fried foods, many processed foods, most salad dressings and mayonnaise, crackers, margarine, vegetable shortening, coffee creamers, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. They are formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil during food processing in order to make it solidify. This process, known as hydrogenation, gives fats a longer shelf life and a less greasy feel. But it creates a completely unnatural fat that causes cellular dysfunction. Although most food products now claim to be transfat free, they may still contain up to 0.5 grams per serving according to lax FDA rules. Contrary to popular belief, transfats (not saturated fats) lead to heart disease (clog the arteries with fatty plaques), diabetes, cancer, and other health problems.
- BHA/BHT - cancer-causing preservatives banned in other countries yet still used in the US. Also, bromate/bromide are additives that are allowed in the US but banned in Europe.
- Artificial preservatives, flavors, colors, and additives - lead to many health, mental, learning, or behavioral problems. An example is the additive carrageenan, in many conventional medicines and processed foods, even organic, which is inflammatory and damages the digestive system. Also avoid produce coated with toxic apeel/organipeel permitted even on organic produce.
- Processed table salt - natural healthy nutrients in natural salt removed and harmful chemical additives added. Causes high blood pressure, heart, and kidney health problems. So use natural sea salt or even better himalayan salt. Natural salt is necessary for good health.
- High fructose corn syrup - probably GM, increases inflammation, causes weight gain (disrupts appetite hormones), and has mercury. It has recently been deceitfully renamed as "natural sweetener".
- Canola: Probably GM and comes from the rapeseed, the most toxic of all the food oil plants. It has to be refined or partially hydrogenated before it is used commercially and consequently high in transfats which cause inflammation in the body. It inhibits proper metabolism of food and normal enzyme function. Its effects include loss of vision, respiratory illness, disruption of the central nervous system, anemia, constipation, and higher risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease.
- Soy: Probably GM and is estrogen-like, thus disrupting thyroid function and hormonal balance, causing digestive problems, and leading to many health problems including infertility and cancer. Contains anti-nutrients. Non-GMO fermented soy (like miso or tempeh) is fine. Soy promoters point to studies of Asians and their reduced rates of cancers, even though their traditional diet contains much soy. However, these studies fail to point out that these soy products are primarily fermented, which destroys the anti-nutrients and creates health-promoting probiotics that facilitate proper digestion.
- Wheat and conventional dairy - the two most common food allergens. Wheat contains gluten, has been hybridized, and is heavily sprayed with pesticides (glyphosate). Conventional dairy is pasteurized or homogenized which destroys both the nutrients and the enzymes needed for proper digestion (while raw milk has many health benefits).
- Ingredients you can't pronounce and any product with more than five ingredients ;)
(4) Avoid or limit processed meats. They contain sugar, salt, chemicals, additives, nitrates, hormones, pesticides, antibiotics and preservatives that will lead to disease.
(5) Avoid or limit factory farmed or grain-fed meat and factory farmed fish. The animals are fed GM grains and animal by-products, injected with GM growth hormones and antibiotics, and live in unhygienic conditions. Eat organic, grass-fed meat and plankton/fish-fed fish, which are high in healthy, anti-inflammatory omega3 and other vital nutrients because they feed on their natural diet. Grain-fed meat and fish, are high in omega6 fats, which increase inflammation and lead to disease. Grass-fed meat contains 2-6 times more omega-3 than grain-fed meat. Traditional, grain-fed, confined, and factory farmed meat is void of the nutrients that are found in organic grass-fed meat (like vitamins and minerals) and has an imbalance in its essential fatty acid structure. It's also common practice in commercial cattle farming to feed them chicken manure, chicken feathers, cardboard, newspapers, and even bubblegum still in the wrapper, to save money and fatten them. Therefore, meat should be organic, hormone and antibiotic free, grass-fed, and pastured or free-range. Fish should be wild and clean (not contaminated with high levels of mercury so avoid tuna and eat salmon which is safest). And keep in mind that much seafood in the Pacific Ocean is being contaminated with radiation from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster so it's best to limit or avoid any seafood from the Pacific Ocean.
(6) Avoid or limit grain-fed, non-organic, conventional dairy products like milk since it is very acidic and contains growth hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful substances. Toxic aspartame and other sweeteners may also be added to dairy products and without labeling. Organic grass-fed cow's milk eliminates some of the main concerns of consuming milk, especially antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals. It's also higher in omega3. However, it's commonly pasteurized or homogenized, which removes all beneficial bacteria and enzymes, and makes it difficult for the human digestive tract to properly break down and absorb it. This can cause people to become lactose intolerant and allergic to it (casein protein and whey). Raw organic, grass-fed milk and dairy products (like butter, ghee, yoghurt, raw milk, cream, cheese, etc), however, offer many health benefits.. Raw goat milk is a healthy substitute (closer to mother's milk with more nutrients, easier to digest, and is alkaline). Also, avoid soy milk and soy products since it is mostly GM, is estrogen-like so disrupts thyroid function, contains toxic anti-nutrients, and interferes with digestive enzymes.
(7) Avoid or limit cooking with vegetable or seed oils like corn, soy, canola, rice bran, sunflower, and safflower. The high consumption of these oils (inflammatory omega 6 oils) in the diet today (use in cooking, in many processed foods, and in grain-fed meat and fish) is one of the main reasons for modern diseases. Inflammation is the root cause of many health problems and diseases. Also avoid margarine, shortening, or other chemically altered fats. Use healthy oils for cooking or frying. For high temperature, use coconut oil, palm oil (red best), butter, ghee (clarified butter), or grass-fed animal fat like beef tallow and lard (pork fat). For low to medium temperature, use virgin olive oil (best), sesame oil, or almond/macadamia oil. Coconut oil, a superfood, is one of mother nature's most perfect foods, is great for cooking, and has many other uses and benefits as well.
(8) Avoid or limit consumption of carbs like grains, starchy foods, sugar, and high fructose fruits. As humans have lived for 2.6 million years, we only started eating grains 10,000 years ago with the agricultural revolution, so grains are new to our diet. Anthropological research tells us that the paleo diet was eaten by our ancestors for more than 2 million years, while the current modern day diet which includes grains, legumes, dairy products, and sugar has only been eaten for about 10,000 years. That means for almost all of our evolutionary history, humans have been eating a diet of meat, fish, eggs, above limited seasonal ground vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Prior to the consumption of these foods, the epidemics of type 2 diabetes, anxiety, depression, heart disease, obesity, etc., did not exist. These foods contain a variety of substances that disrupt the brain, nervous system, gastrointestinal (digestive) tract, metabolism, and the endocrine (hormonal) system. Grains, legumes, and starchy veggies became a common staple in the diet only after it was discovered that they could be mass produced and distributed cheaply to generate a great profit for the producers. These fattening and addictive foods and drinks include: grains (especially refined like white flour/bread, rice, noodles/pasta), starchy foods like legumes and root vegetables, all sugars, molasses, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, grain alcohol, sodas, and grain-fed meat-fish-and dairy. In general, all grains (corn, wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice, etc.), starchy foods like root vegetables (foods that have 15 grams or more of carb per 100 grams like yam, white potatoes, squash, parsnips) and legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts), and processed foods (cookies, brownies, candy, potato chips, corn chips, etc.) are high glycemic and cause rapid increases in blood sugar and insulin levels so it's best to limit them especially if you don't have an active lifestyle. All non-starchy vegetables (have 10 gr. or less of carb per 100 gr like onions, beets, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, etc) and whole fruits that are low in sugar are healthier carbs.
Contrary to popular belief, obesity, diabetes, and other diseases are due to a diet high in carbohydrates (esp. refined), and not due to saturated fats. Grains and legumes also contain several toxins, known as anti-nutrients (like lectins, phytates, gluten, exorphins, etc), that damage the intestinal lining, leach minerals from the body, disrupt the digestion of proteins, and cause inflammation and an autoimmune response. They contain enzymes called protease inhibitors that interrupt the digestion of proteins leading to nutritional deficiencies, allergies, food sensitivities, and prevent the digestion of lectins contained in grains and legumes. These lectins bind to cells in the intestinal tract, causing damage to its protective lining and depleting beneficial bacteria. This leads to holes in the intestinal lining, a condition called leaky gut. Toxins and undigested food particles make their way through these holes and cause autoimmune reactions, digestive problems, and yeast overgrowth. Self-tests (visual indicators) for candida/yeast overgrowth in the body are a white coated tongue, or spitting in a glass of water upon waking up and seeing cloudy strings floating down into the water from the saliva within an hour (the more strings/cloudiness and faster it develops, the more the overgrowth). Sprouting, soaking, or fermenting any food that is high in lectins, like grains and legumes, will reduce the lectin content and make them more easily digested, while cooking will also destroy some of the anti-nutrients. But cooking or sprouting will not reduce their carbohydrate content, so they will still increase sugar/insulin levels, contribute to feeding fungus/candida, trigger sugar cravings, and deplete endorphins. Also, phytates in grains and legumes bind to minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron making them less available to the body and inhibit digestive enzymes needed for proper digestion. And gluten, a protein the body can't digest, creates an allergic or inflammatory autoimmune reaction. Wheat is the highest food source due to cross breeding and is highly allergenic. Other foods with gluten are: cereal grains, rye, spelt, barley, white flour, durum wheat, kamut, wheat germ, wheat bran, soy, graham flour, pasta, bread, couscous, flour tortillas, white flour products (baked goods, cookies, pastries, cakes, crackers, pastries, chips), as an additive in processed foods, and imitation fish. Grains also contain high levels of exorphins which mimic our brain's endorphins (natural neurotransmitters which relieve pain, promote good moods, relaxation, and feelings of well-being). This leads to their depletion because the brain thinks it doesn't need them and stops producing them (leading to grain cravings and addiction). Grain-like seeds like quinoa, millet, amaranth, perilla, teff, hemp, and buckwheat are a healthy alternative. Asians enjoy better health than westerners despite the fact that they consume rice regularly because: rice is less harmful than glutinous wheat (bread), they have better insulin sensitivity (carbohydrate tolerance) due to lots of physical activity, and their diet is higher in other health promoting foods like fish, vegetables, and fermented foods.
In the past, fruit was a healthier choice because it contained less fructose (fruit sugar) than it does today, and it was consumed seasonally only. Hybridization, however, created sweeter fruits that contain higher amounts of fructose than traditional types, and modern varieties have been developed to ripen after harvest and last for a longer time. Fiber and nutritional content is also lower in our modern day fruit. Since all kinds of fruits are available year round, high amounts of fructose are eaten on a regular basis. Although it is rich in a variety of nutrients like antioxidants and vitamins, in order to maintain good health and weight, the amount of fruit in the diet should be limited (based on the fruit's glycemic load GL only, and not the glycemic index GI). Fruit juice should be avoided or limited because it has no fiber/pulp to slow down absorption. No or low fructose fruits are berries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, avocados, olives, coconuts, pomegranates, tomatoes, plums, kiwi, cherries, and watermelon. Moderate fructose fruits like peaches, apples, oranges, pears, bananas, pineapple, grapes, and mangoes, and high fructose fruits like prunes, raisins, and all dried fruits should be limited.
The ketogenic diet is high in anti-inflammatory healthy fats and low in protein and carbs. The body adapts to using fats (ketones) as an energy source instead of the standard carbs (glucose). It's the best way to address sugar and carb addiction, compulsive overeating, candida overgrowth or other microbes, adrenal fatigue, alcohol and drug addiction, anxiety disorders, depression and other mental health issues or autonomic nervous system disorders. Carbohydrates fuel each of these conditions by disrupting or overstimulating the endocrine system and/or the brain. Not only will you overcome cravings for sugar, carbs, caffeine, and other addictive substances and have more emotional stability, but also reduce your risk of all diet related conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. Learn more about the ketogenic diet here and here. And try some delicious, healthy keto recipes here.
(9) Avoid or limit other potential allergens like nightshade plants. Nightshade plants like tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants have many health benefis. But, limit or avoid them if you suspect you are sensitive to them.
(10) Avoid or limit endocrine/hormone disrupting (estrogen-mimicking) chemicals in the environment, food, personal care products, and household products like: non-fermented soy products, canola oil, sugar, refined carbs, steroids, tap water, fluoride, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals, non-organic hormone-laced dairy products and meat, body lotions, makeup, plastics (have Bisphenol-A BPA or BPS and pthalates), parabens (in personal care products, cosmetics, etc.), teflon-coated cookware, food additives, pesticides, herbicides, caffeine, artificial colors, spicy and deep-fried acidic foods, vegetable (omega6) oils, transfats, some alcohols, and soft drinks. They can lead to hormone imbalances causing infertility, depression, sleep disorders, cancer, and other health problems. EWG's 'dirty dozen endocrine disruptors' and how to avoid them can be found here.
(11) Avoid or limit processed foods especially if labeled “diet”, “low-fat” or with ingredients in the list above like: "hydrogenated, artificial, high fructose corn syrup, corn, soy, canola, cottonseed, wheat", or if with many strange ingredients.
(12) Avoid or limit soft drinks because high in sugar and harmful additives causing the body to become very acidic and prone to many health problems.
(13) Avoid or limit antibiotics unless absolutely necessary because they destroy gut flora in the gut (the center of the body's immune system), have side effects, and build resistance. They treat symptoms, not causes. The acids from antibiotics change the bacteria into yeast and mold (candida). That is why when you take antibiotics you can end up with a yeast infection. For a natural infection fighter, use raw garlic, colloidal silver, or bee pollen instead. Otherwise, always take a probiotic every time you take a dose of antibiotics to repopulate your gut flora, and continue taking it for several weeks after the course of antibiotics is complete. The body should have 80% friendly bacteria (only 20% bad bacteria) inside the intestinal tract. After an antibiotics course, the body will have no more than 20% friendly bacteria creating the potential for health problems. It will take weeks to heal the gut.
(14) Avoid or limit synthetic supplements sold in supermarkets because they are pharmaceutical made, synthetic, and of poor quality with many fillers, excipients, binders, and flow agents that are often toxic. Thus, you find either no benefit or can be harmed by taking them. Natural supplements found at most health stores are safe and good quality (effective) food-sourced supplements. Unlike synthetic supplements, they are natural and absorbed easily and effectively by the body (bio-available). Liquid, sublingual (under tongue or in mouth) and powdered forms are best. Supplementing with nutrient dense superfoods offers the most health benefits. Ideally, all of the nutrition we need can come from the food we eat. Unfortunately, in today's world, it usually doesn't. Currently, soils contain only about 15% of the minerals they had 100 years ago due to synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and monoculture. Even if food is grown in nutrient dense soil without contaminates, much of the nutrition is lost in transportation and storage. Hybridization techniques and genetic alterations of traditional heirloom species have also reduced the nutritional content of foods. Also, food alone can only fill our nutritional needs if our bodies are able to digest and absorb all of its nutrients properly (dependent on our gut health). And in todays world, our bodies need even more nutrients to deal with our daily exposure to high levels of physical, mental, emotional, and environmental toxins and stressors. Thus, to maintain optimal health, supporting the diet with nutritional food-sourced supplements and superfoods has become a necessity.
(15) Avoid or limit using the microwave for cooking. It irradiates the food destroying its nutrients, and also changes the molecular structure of the food making it difficult for the body to digest. Also, don't microwave food in a plastic container or cover it in saran wrap because the toxic chemicals in the plastic will leech into the food.
(16) Avoid or limit tap water and most bottled water because it's unsafe due to toxic chlorine, fluoride, and more contaminants. If you don't have a shower filter, limit or avoid hot showers since the body absorbs much water through the skin when the water is hot.
Diet - Eating Habits
(1) Learn to listen to how your body responds to the food after eating. Burping and gas are signs that the food is difficult to digest or due to improper food combining. Some common symptoms of improper digestion include gas, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, acid reflux, constipation, undigested food in stool, foul-smelling stools, loss of appetite, or the desire to eat mostly sugary or starchy foods. This is your body telling you that these foods don’t belong in your diet, or they may need to be reduced in serving size or frequency. Always listen to your body especially after finishing a detox. If you have cravings for unhealthy foods like sugar, carbs, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or other addictive substances, or even unhealthy lifestyle habits, that means your brain chemistry is disrupted and/or the endocrine system is impaired. Eating healthy and detoxing will reset you biochemistry (and thus your eating preferences) and repair those systems. The true voice of your body will always lead you to what is best and healthy for you. It will never tell you to do something destructive. So listen to your body especially after a detox. Also, if you feel excessively bad in response to a treatment remedy, your body is saying this is counterproductive and it should be discontinued or reduced.
(2) Eat only if and when you feel hungry rather than three meals a day or at specific times in the day.
(3) Don't drink water or other beverages with meals because it dilutes the stomach digestive juices (acid), which disturbs and slows down the digestion process. Its best to drink room temperature water at least an hour or longer before or after meals. Adding lemon or raw apple cider vinegar to the water aids with digestion. Make sure to stay adequately hydrated especially when hot, after physical activity, and when sick or detoxing. Drink when you feel thirsty. Urine color should be a light yellow to clear if adequately hydrated.
(4) Proper food combining is a system of eating foods that combine together efficiently to assist digestion and thus provide us with the nutrients and energy we need. Improper food combining is one of the primary factors that causes gas, bloating, acid reflux, heartburn, upset stomach, weight gain, and even malnutrition from poor digestion. This is because different enzymes are secreted to digest different types of foods (fats, proteins, carbs) in different areas of the body, and their effect is neutralized if foods are not combined properly. The key guideline to follow is to limit or avoid eating starchy carbs with: 1) proteins or with 2) fruits. Instead eat proteins with non-starchy veggies like leafy greens or ocean veggies. Starchy foods/carbs include grains (like rice, bread, noodles, corn), legumes (beans, peas, etc), potatoes and other starchy root vegetables. Proteins include poultry (like chicken), fish, eggs, etc. Fruits (especially melons) are best eaten alone and (as a dessert for example) before a meal instead of after. Learn more about the food types (fats, proteins, and carbs) in 'Essential Nutrition'.
(5) Eat fresh, whole, local, seasonal foods.
(6) Eat until you feel 80% full to avoid overeating. It takes a few minutes for the brain to get a signal from body that it is full.
(7) Chew food fully, slowly, and mindfully - to get more nutrition through gums, it's easier on digestion later because food is mixed with saliva and carb digestive enzymes, and it's easier to get brain signal that you're full so you eat less.
(8) Be thankful for the food before starting to eat (energizes the food and prepares you).
(9) Don't put restrictions on yourself. It's the main reason why most diets fail. Instead of restricting foods from your diet, just start adding healthier options. It's easier to add healthier foods into your diet, rather than restrict anything, because that will also slowly reduce your cravings for unhealthy foods. So start slow by changing one item at a time and get accustomed to the healthier alternative before tackling another.
(10) If you suspect you may be allergic or sensitive/intolerant to a certain food, eliminate it for a period of time and then reintroduce it into your diet to see if it produces any symptoms, conditions, or cravings (called the elimination diet). Food allergy reactions are immediate while food sensitivity reactions are delayed. Usually, when you remove these foods from your diet, pain will be reduced or removed, cravings for sweets will diminish, mood will improve, weight will drop, and overall health will improve.
(11) Make it a habit to always check the ingredients label of any food or drink product before you buy or consume it. Ignore anything else on the label because it can be inaccurate. For example, the "all natural" label is deceptive because the product can still contain synthetic, processed, or toxic ingredients.
(12) Avoid food, especially meat, before bed. It makes it harder to sleep and can disturb your sleep. Meat needs a few hours to be digested.
(13) Avoid big meals when ill. The body uses most of its energy (~80%) digesting food (instead of healing). So when ill, a diet high in cleansing alkaline plant foods, small infrequent meals, or fasting/juicing is best for a quick recovery. As Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, wisely stated: "To eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness".
(14) Take a walk or be physically active (in moderation for a few minutes) before or after consuming a high carb meal (grains, legumes, starchy foods, sugar, or high fructose fruits) to burn off the sugar. This prevents glucose/insulin spikes and the sugar from being stored as fat (weight gain). Also, eating it with fibrous veggies or nuts reduces the glycemic load.
(15) Learn and incorporate the wisdom of native traditional diets: use meats/dairy/cheese in smaller portions or on special occasions (infrequently) and make sure its pastured or free range, raised organically, grass fed, and eat all parts of the animal; use native grains like quinoa, non meaty proteins, fermented foods, indigenous oils which are high in omega3 and low in omega6s, healing spices, and sweet and salty foods from whole foods. Their eating traditions include communal eating, modified fasts (not dieting but eliminating unhealthy foods for a few weeks), eating until 80% full (okinawans commonly say "hara hachi bu"), living and eating slowly (greek cretians commonly say "siga siga"), and the evening meal is the smallest. Good health is not just from the food but also the recipes, traditions, relationships, the way they eat in the day and season, and the way the food is grown and prepared. Traditional diets maximize nutrients while modern diets minimize nutrients. In traditional diets vs. modern diets: foods from fertile soil vs. depleted soils, organ meats eaten vs. muscle meats, animal fats vs. vegetable oils, animals on pasture vs. animals in confinement, raw and/or fermented dairy products vs. pasteurized dairy products, grains and legumes soaked/fermented vs. grains refined, bone broths vs. MSG and artificial flavorings, unrefined sweeteners (like honey, maple syrup) vs. refined sweeteners, fermented veggies vs. canned veggies, fermented beverages vs. modern soft drinks, unrefined salt vs. refined salt, natural vitamins in foods vs. synthetic vitamins added, traditional cooking vs. microwave and irrradiation, traditional seeds/open pollination vs. hybrid seeds and GMO seeds.
Lifestyle - Essential Habits
(Physical Activity, Sleep, Rest, Play, Stress Management, Relationships, Outlook/Attitude, Purpose, Expression)
(1) Be physically active daily. Exercise or just move naturally. Have a daily routine that makes you move your body while doing something at home or outdoors (best). Otherwise, find an intentional physical activity you enjoy like walking or gardening. Regular movement or exercise oxygenates the body, stimulates the lymphatic waste removal system and the immune system, and stimulates production of hormones that make us happier and healthier. But exercise or be physically active in moderation only because excessive physical activity acidifies the body.
(2) Reduce stress with Music, Art, Exercise, Sex, Play, Laughter, Smiling, Meditation, Aromatherapy, Deep Breathing, Hugging, Massage and Reflexology, Earthing, Sun Gazing, Daydreaming, Dancing, Singing/Chanting/Humming, Stretching, Silence, Prayer, Nature, Nature, and yes Nature. Human touch is the oldest form of healing.
(3) Balance your daily active routine activities with leisurely, passive or playful activities and hobbies. In other words, balance "doing" with "being". It’s challenging in todays fast paced society and lifestyle, but it's a must. Over-activity is addictive so learn to slow down. It's important to have at least a hobby that you both enjoy (interest/passion) and are naturally good at (effortless skill). All the wise saints have said "know yourself" which includes knowing your true nature, your interests/passions, and your natural skills/talents. So find what you love and are naturally good at and do it :) With free time, curiosity, and mindful attention, we can keep rediscovering our true Self and find rewarding hobbies and activities that bring us long-lasting joy and inner peace. And to possibly serve others with our unique gifts and talents.
(4) Exposure to nature is key to good health. All living things and mankind lived for eons in close contact and relative harmony with nature. Regular exposure to fresh air and nature provides both physical and mental healing. Today, many people are disconnected from nature by spending too much time indoors. As Hippocrates advised: "walking is man's best medicine" so take frequent walks. Stand/walk barefoot on the soil or grass, a practice called earthing, that grounds and energizes us. It strengthens the immune system and provides many health benefits. Plant vegetable and flower gardens using organic products only or use pots and other containers for the patio, balcony and indoors. You can also visit or volunteer at organic farms worldwide.
(5) Detox regularly to remove the harmful toxic substances (toxins like heavy metals, chemicals, and radiation) that we are often exposed to and have accumulated in our bodies over time from food, water, air, personal body care products, cookware, home cleaning products, and other sources.
(6) Positive thinking (faith, hope, acceptance, optimism, etc.) and positive emotions (love/compassion, joy, appreciation, gratitude, etc) alkalize the body thus strengthening the immune system and aiding with both healing and disease prevention. Negative thinking (regret, blame, worrying/anxiety, pessimism, etc.) and negative emotions (anger, hate, guilt, shame, jealousy, fear, etc.) acidify the body because acidic stress hormones like cortisol are released. This leads to a weaker immune system, inflammatory responses, and disease.
(7) Loving ourselves, loving others (universal love, not only family, romantic, or sexual love), and being open to love, are vital emotional nourishment that feeds the soul and strengthens our physical well-being. Just like with physical energy, the more we love ourselves and others, the more our capacity to love and receive love grows. Practice loving yourself unconditionally and being your true authentic self fearlessly.
(8) Play is a recreational, leisurely, childlike activity that involves being absorbed in the moment and with no purpose other than to have fun.
(9) A simple meditation technique is sitting in a quiet place with eyes-closed for a few minutes while focusing on your in-out breath or on your abdomen rising-falling. Anytime you catch yourself being distracted by a thought, sound, etc, go back to focusing on your breath or abdomen movement. After a few minutes, you'll notice your breath getting deeper and longer with its mind-calming effect. With practice, it gets easier. Donation-based ten-day meditation retreats that teach vipassana ("insight" meditation) are available worldwide. Through practicing detached self-observation (of sensations in the body), the mind experiences 'impermanence" and becomes calm, non-reactive (equanimous), and open to insights. People in the West vs. the East (like Asia) may find sitting (passive) meditation difficult since our minds are overactive, so many may find dynamic (active) meditation like tai chi, qi gong, yoga, nature hiking, etc easier and more beneficial. My experience and recommendation is to practice a dynamic type of meditation first and then follow it immediately with a few minutes of sitting meditation since the body is relaxed and the mind is much more quiet after physical activity. The WimHof breathing exercise is excellent for alkalizing and energizing the body and mind, thus offering many health benefits.
(10) Practice staying connected (being aware or mindful) to what you're experiencing at each moment throughout the day by being aware of what you're doing, thinking, and feeling in your body (both physical sensations and feelings) and without judgement (detached self-observation). Mindfulness (awareness/being present/in the moment/in the here and now) quiets the mind and produces an emotional stillness making calmness and balance easy to achieve. It's a great tool for self-understanding and personal growth.
(11) Practice expressing your emotions rather than repressing them which is harmful. Repressed emotions create serious physical and mental health problems. So talk about it with someone or imagine the person involved is there and have a conversation, or write it down (daily 'mind journal' of feelings and thoughts, or write a letter but don't send it), or draw/doodle/color. Or express it directly if you're in a comfortable, safe place: cry if you're sad, tremble or shake if you're scared, scream out loud or move chaotically (hit pillow, throw a tantrum, dance) if you're angry. This will release/transform those negative "e-motions" which are nothing but "energy in motion". You'll feel peaceful and energized afterwards. The emotional freedom technique (EFT) or "acu-tapping" is a useful simple tool for removing negative emotions/thoughts/beliefs using psychological acupressure. When we suppress our emotions or don't know how to express and release them in a healthy way, we develop addictive behaviors/habits and/or substance-abuse. We do this in order to block and numb the pain, anger, grief, shame, guilt, resentment, fear, etc, and to give ourselves a false sense of control. These fear-based behaviors are developed in early childhood traumatic experiences (then repressed and stored in the subconscious mind, also called the 'shadow'). Some examples are: taking care of others (selfless caregivers), workaholic (no time for emotion), hoarding (to replace loss), eating disorders, compulsive behaviors like excessive shopping/cleaning/gambling/technology/gaming/social media/etc, alcohol, prescription medications, street drugs, etc. Inner shadow work to integrate our shadow is vital. Practicing detached (non-judgmental) awareness of our fears and unpleasant feelings (mental and emotional issues) as they arise and expressing them helps let them go. Medicinal visionary plants like ayahuasca and iboga are also helpful and best taken with a shaman in a natural setting.
(12) Connect and spend quality time with family, loved ones, and with close positive like-minded friends. Avoid unhealthy, energy-draining, toxic relationships. All relationships must be based on respect, trust, and communication.
(13) Have a sense of purpose to wake up every morning and activate that purpose in your life.
(14) Spend less time watching tv or using the computer. And spend more time reading, relaxing, playing, exercising, or out in nature.
(15) Sleeping is the body's rest and repair time. It detoxes, heals, replenishes, and keeps the immune system strong. Sleep early mostly and get deep, uninterrupted sleep for at least eight hours; longer if sick. A good rule of thumb is this: don't use an alarm clock and sleep until your body wakes up. This is how much sleep you need. Sleep on your back or sides. Sleeping on your back or on your right side with a pillow between your legs is best. Sleep quicker and deeper if it's very quiet, dark, away from electrical devices, sockets, or EMFs (cell phone, wireless signals). Sleep on a non-metal bed and mattress because metal amplifies EMFs. Massaging the "bubbling point" (near mid center of foot), or applying pressure to the eye tear duct point relaxes the whole body. Avoid eating anything 1-2 hours before bed. And avoid the tv/computer/phone at least for an hour before bed.
(16) You need to have at least one bowel movement daily. Otherwise, eat more fibrous veggies, nuts, and seeds, healthy fats/oils, and drink more water. Or take a natural colon cleanser or magnesium. Squatting on the toilet instead of sitting is a more natural posture. It's easier for the colon and elimination is easier and faster. You can put a small stand in front of a sitting toilet to raise your legs when you go or squat on the toilet seat.
(17) Be positive and grateful. Practicing gratitude daily is an easy quick way to experience joy and happiness!
(18) Smile, laugh, and breathe deeply as often as you can :)
Lifestyle - Exposure to Toxic Chemicals
Incredibly, in the US today, over 84,000 chemicals are approved for use yet unregulated, and many of them are untested, toxic, and can cross the blood brain barrier and the mother's placenta. There are tens of thousands of chemicals in our air, food, water, and in the everyday products we use. Many are endocrine disruptors (cause hormonal imbalances) that contribute to disease and are linked to conditions such as asthma, autism, ADHD, diabetes, cancers, infertility, cognitive disorders, obesity, reproductive disorders, birth defects, and more. They also lead to poor gut health and thus nutritional deficiencies.
So avoid or minimize exposure to toxic chemicals by using only natural personal care, cookware, and house cleaning products. Go green to be healthy and to keep our precious natural environment clean too. Buy natural products only or make your own. Detoxification is also needed to remove the toxic chemicals, heavy metals, plastics, and radiation that have accumulated in the body from the food/drinks we consume, the products we use, and the air we breathe. Chemicals that are applied to the skin enter the bloodstream directly vs. orally in food and drinks where the stomach acid and a healthy digestive system help eliminate some of these chemical toxins. In other words, we're bypassing a key part of the immune system when we apply something to our skin since it immediately enters the bloodstream, so it's especially important to be cautious about what we put on our skin.
I recommend checking the independent Environmental Working Group's (EWG) website to search for safety ratings of any personal care product/ingredient or any household cleaning product or ingredient. You can also check their healthy home guide here. Common sources and products containing hormone disruptors and toxic chemicals are:
- Toothpaste: avoid fluoride because toxic; avoid sodium laurel sulfate SLS (foaming agent) because it is a skin allergen which can cause mouth sores. Other toxins include triclosan, propylene glycol (wetting agent), saccharin, sorbitol, aspartame, heavy metals, parabens, titanium dioxide, and artificial colors. Natural toothpaste and ingredients best or brush with sea salt.
- Personal care products: contain toxic synthetic ingredients often so choosing natural ingredients is best. For example, deodorants and antiperspirants contain dangerous chemicals including aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, artificial colors, talc, and more. Aluminum in antiperspirants is a main cause of breast cancer. Make your own natural deodorant by mixing coconut oil, baking soda and shea butter. Buy a natural bodywash, shampoo and conditioner. Sanitary napkins and tampons are made of toxic bleached rayon, cotton, plastics (BPA, pthalates), and artificial fragrances so use menstrual cups. Also, use safe natural birth control devices. Avoid toxic ingredients like triclosan, fragrance, PEG, ceteareth, polyethylene, DMDM hydantoin, titanium dioxide nanoparticles, and parabens including propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl.
- Cosmetics: over 13,000 chemicals are used in the cosmetics industry with only about 10% evaluated for their safety so check out the EWG website above and buy natural products only. For example, many contain parabens which are hormone-disruptors, lipsticks have lead, skin lightening creams have mercury, and many skin creams have formaldehyde.
- House cleaning products: toxic synthetic ingredients often and they produce toxic fumes, so choosing natural cleaning products and ingredients is best. Or make your own safe, natural house cleaning products using baking soda, vinegar, and lemon.
- Clothing: use and wear natural, organic fibers and clothes if possible. Synthetic fibers and non-organics are treated with high levels of formaldehyde and even petroleum. Most cotton in the US is GM (genetically modified) and heavily sprayed with toxic pesticides. Natural fabrics include organic cotton, organic wool, silk, hemp, bamboo, and linen.
- Cookware: avoid aluminum, stainless steel, and non-stick PFCs (like teflon) cookware because they can emit toxic gases and leech toxic, even carcinogenic, metals into the cooked food. Use cast iron, clay, glass, or lead-free ceramic cookware which are all safe.
- Laundry detergent: synthetic laundry detergents leave a chemical residue on your clothes which is absorbed by your skin. Ingredients to avoid include linear alkyl sodium sulfonates, petroleum distillates, phenols and sodium hypochlorite (house bleach). Buy natural laundry detergents.
- Plastics: contain toxic hormone-disrupting pthalates and Bisphenol-A BPA (or its also toxic replacement BPS) which are estrogen-like chemicals (hormone disruptors) commonly found in plastic containers (including baby bottles), metal-can linings (like soft drink and soup cans), other packaging containers, receipt and printer ink, some dental fillings, and other sources. They are linked to infertility, brain impairment, neuro-disorders, hyperactivity, obesity, and many other health problems. Polycarbonate plastics marked with letters PC, Nalgene, or recycling code 3 and 7 contain toxic BPA. Never microwave food in a plastic container or covered in saran wrap. Use glass, ceramic, or porcelain containers; replace cans with cartons; and choose fresh or frozen fruits and veggies.
- Tooth fillings: avoid metal fillings because they contain more than 50% mercury which is toxic; white composite safer and looks better. Metal fillings not only leech into the body, but toxic vapor is released when we have a hot drink or brush them. Root canals are essentially dead teeth that can become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that may make their way into our bloodstream and cause a number of serious health problems. They always remained infected. If you have any metal fillings, root canals, or crowns, consider replacing them after consulting a holistic dentist.
- Vaccines: avoid all vaccines because they contain very toxic, carcinogenic, food-allergy triggering, and especially neurotoxic ingredients and excipients like squalene, adjuvant, lead, aluminum, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal by-products, live viruses, and mercury (thimerosal preservative). Vaccines almost always don't protect you anyway. By the age of two, if a child has received all of the recommended vaccines in the US, he or she has received 2,370 times the so called “allowable safe limit” for mercury. By law, vaccine manufacturers have zero liability for damage or death caused by their vaccines, so they rarely do proper safety testing. Many pediatricians continue to push vaccines on parents out of ignorance or greed. The vaccine inserts (section 13) clearly state that the vaccines have NOT been tested for mutagenic potential (DNA damage), for carcinogenic potential, and for impairment to fertility (see here). To opt out of forced vaccines, go to your county health department, ask for a religious exemption for vaccination form (some states use "immunization") and then notarize it. Also, learn more about how to refuse vaccines (the vaccination notice and acceptance of liability by the provider form can be downloaded here). You do not need to discuss your personal beliefs. Unfortunately, children vaccinations in California, Mississippi, and West Virginia became mandatory with no exemptions allowed. Also, a long list of mandatory vaccinations for all children and adults might be coming in 2020 under a government program called "Healthy People 2020" where no exemptions (personal, religious, or health) will be allowed. Western governments are collectively imposing harsh fines or prison sentences to anti-vaccine parents in a coordinated attempt to forcibly vaccinate every single child on the planet. Countries like Italy, France, Germany, and Australia have already passed new laws to force vaccinations on children against the will of their parents.
Learn how to detox from the mRNA vaccines here, here, here, here and here.
- Cigarettes: stop or reduce smoking because cigarettes contain many harmful and addictive substances. Otherwise, smoke all natural tobacco only or stop smoking by vaping which is safer.
Lifestyle - Detoxification
(1) It's vital to detox regularly. Detoxifying or cleansing means removing the harmful toxic substances (like heavy metals, chemicals, and radiation) that we are often exposed to and have accumulated in our bodies over time from food, water, air, personal body care products, cookware, home cleaning products, and other sources. The body detoxes using four methods: defecation (bowels), urination (bladder), perspiration/sweating (skin), and respiration/breathing (lungs). Some symptoms of being toxic are: sweating constantly (without activity), white film/spots on tongue upon waking up, orange/yellow hue in eye iris color, constant fatigue, constant bloating, irregularity (not eliminating daily), post puberty acne, constant inflammation, etc. Heavy metal toxicity is a primary cause of autism (mercury), alzheimers (aluminum), schizophrenia (copper), ADHD, dyslexia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other chronic degenerative diseases. Toxicity also leads to poor gut health and thus nutritional deficiencies, and is therefore often the primary cause of poor health or illness. It's ideal to do a 10-14 day detox every six months, and a 3-5 day fast every one to three months. The new moon is an ideal time to detox because our body's capacity to detox is at its highest (it's easy for the body to release toxins). A natural detox is safer, cheaper, and more effective than synthetic chelators like EDTA and DPMS. These chelators only remove some heavy metals, sometimes dispose them in other tissues/organs instead of removing from body, have side effects so need medical supervision, are expensive, and are time consuming.
(2) Alkalizing the body before and during the detox is important and makes it safer, easier, and more effective. If the blood is too acidic, the lymphatic (waste removal) system and cells will not release their toxins and acidic wastes into the blood. Make sure you detox slowly and listen to your body always. During a detox, you may experience a 'healing crisis' (discomfort, headaches, fatigue, irritability, brain fog, skin rash, worsening of original symptoms, etc.) for the first few days if the toxins are entering the bloodstream faster than the body can remove them. Thus the blood is becoming acidic again. So make sure you drink lots of clean water and urinate frequently to minimize or avoid this healing crisis. Sunshine, rest, and sweating also help. Taking activated charcoal helps absorb the toxins during a detox thus reducing or preventing the healing crisis. You can also reduce the dose of the detoxifier and detox more slowly. If you're juicing, don't take strong detox supplements at the same time. And if you're taking strong detox supplements, make sure you're eating alkaline whole foods with plenty of natural fiber. If you're new to detoxing or doing a strong or long one, doing it with the guidance of a naturopath is helpful. Feel free to contact me for info or assistance.
(3) Fasting helps detox the body. It can be a spring water fast (himalayan salt can be added to make "sole" with its many health benefits), a mono-fruit fast (organic dark grapes, watermelon, or apples), or an organic veggie juice fast (juicing). You can also do an intermittent fast like: "daily time-restricted eating" where you eat during a 4-8 hour window only; or a "5:2 diet" where you eat normally for 5 days/week then eat one small meal (500 calories) on the other 2 days; or "alternate day fasting" where you eat normally one day and then you fast the next day or eat one one small meal (500 calories) only.
Juicing or drinking fresh organic juices with 80% veggies and 20% fruits nourishes the body and provides much detoxification. It's easier than water fasting and like fasting, the body's energy is freed up to heal itself rather than digest food. Chew your juice instead of gulping it down because the body absorbs it better when it is mixed with saliva. And drink the juice when it is at room temperature (for better absorption) instead of cold if possible (leave the produce outside for few minutes before juicing). Adding an avocado or a tablespoon of coconut oil will also increase nutrient absorption since many nutrients are fat soluble. I highly recommend the 'Mean Green' recipe: organic kale (1 bunch), organic celery (2 stalks), organic apple (1), organic cucumber (1-2), organic ginger (1"), and organic lemon (1) or lime (2). Enjoy!
Fasting will give your digestive system a break to detox and heal the body quickly. The body uses about 80% of its energy during digestion, so when this energy is freed up with fasting, restricted diets, raw foods, or enzyme supplementation, it allows for other vital activities (increased metabolic enzyme production) needed for the body's repair and maintenance (like immune system support) and for proper cellular function. Fasting for as little as 3-5 days rebuilds the whole immune system (even in elderly people) because it triggers the body's stem cells to begin producing new healthy cells for organ or body system repair.
(4) Use detoxifiers to help cleanse the body like: supergreen marine phytoplankton spirulina and chlorella (highest in chlorophyll), dark leafy greens like kale/spinach/dandelion, turmeric spice (with black pepper and fats to increase absorption), mineral spring water (volvic brand high in detoxing silica), raw apple cider vinegar, warm water and lemon especially first thing in morning, detoxing foods like cilantro (best taken with chlorella) and high sulfur foods (like MSM, cruciferous veggies, crushed cloves of raw garlic, egg yolks), fermented foods or probiotics, activated charcoal, zeolite drops, selenium (brazil nuts are highest food source), high-dose vitamin C, niacin (vitamin B3, detoxes fatty tissues, start with 100mg and increase until you experience a mild warm pink full-body flush), C60, fulvic or humic acids (bioactive carbons), NAC, castor oil (boosts lymphatic system), boron or borax, MMS/Chlorine Dioxide (or here and here), and edible clays like calcium bentonite powder or liquid (high in detoxing silica). Some liver cleansing foods are: beets, carrots, avocados, asparagus, apples, grapefruit, watermelon, walnuts, garlic, milk thistle, green tea, dark leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, lemons/limes, turmeric, and olive oil. You can also perform a 6-day liver cleanse program. Also, gut flora chelates and detoxes all kinds of toxins including heavy metals and carcinogens so eat probiotic rich foods like fermented kimchi, saurkraut, miso soup, tempeh, kefir, kombucha tea, raw (unpasteurized) goat milk/cheese/yoghurt, and blue green algae (like spirulina and chlorella) or supplement with a high quality probiotic.
(5) Cleansing the colon before detoxing the liver is important to prevent toxins eliminated from the liver from getting trapped in the colon and recycled back into the body. Our bloodstream is only as clean as our colon. Some herbal laxatives and colon cleansers contain cheap and potentially dangerous ingredients. Oxygen-based are safe and gentle. They do not actually induce a bowel movement but merely gently dissolves/breaks down old waste matter so the body can clear it out and begin the healing process. For best results, a detox or can be done at least twice a year or perform a full-body cleanse if needed. You can learn more about the benefits of a Green Body Cleanse in this ebook.
(6) Use detox foot pads. Apply high quality detox footpads at bedtime for a few nights and remove them when you wake up.
(7) Do 'Oil Pulling'- take 1 tablespoon of high quality, virgin, cold pressed oil like extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil (best) on an empty stomach first thing in morning and swish it around everywhere in your mouth and through teeth for 15-20 minutes then spit it out (don't swallow). The oil will get thicker and milky as it mixed with saliva during this time and will be creamy-white when spit out. This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that has been used for ages and is still done today.
(8) Sweating is very effective for detoxing since our skin is the largest organ. So physical activity, steam or (hyperthermia), and other methods of sweating are important. Infrared saunas are a non-invasive therapy that possesses the ability to enter the body to a depth of about three inches and warm up the muscles tissues as well as internal organs, thereby facilitating the elimination of all types of toxins. Compared to conventional saunas that use steam and air, infrared saunas are more effective. When the detoxification is done through the skin, it also helps to avoid a potential 'healing crisis'.
(9) Dry skin brushing (body scrub) removes dead skin, boosts circulation, and stimulates the lymphatic waste system thus helping remove wastes and toxins from the body. Using a natural dry brush or scrub, brush daily using gentle pressure and towards your heart . Your skin should be pink, not red, afterwards.
(10) Breathing deeply also removes harmful toxins in the body through the lungs so breathing slowly, mindfully, and deeply is important. The WimHof breathing exercise has many health benefits.
(11) Express, rather than repress, your feelings/emotions in a safe place verbally, by writing or drawing, or through sound or physical movement. It's a kind of emotional detox that removes harmful energy blocks. Or use the emotional freedom technique (EFT).
Environmental Stressors
(Air Pollution, Light Pollution, EMF Pollution, Noise Pollution)
Environmental stressors are a fast-growing serious threat to our health. Many health problems today are the result of these stressors or negatively impacted by them. They are often misdiagnosed by doctors and even naturopaths who are focusing only on the biochemical causes, rather than the electromagnetic (bioenergetic) as well. Detoxing regularly and becoming aware of these environmental stressors while limiting exposure to them is absolutely vital.
(1) Limit exposure to EMFs (non-ionizing radiation/ electromagnetic fields/ electrosmog). The four types are: electric fields. magnetic fields, radio frequency RF fields, and dirty electricity/EMI/high-transient voltage/electrical noise.
This includes electronic devices (like tv/computer/laptop, microwave, appliances), communication devices (like Dect cordless home phones, baby monitors, cell phones, wireless devices, smart meters), power lines, cell phone towers, geopathic stress zones, water pipes, transport vehicles (like hybrid and electric cars), home wiring and copper cables, and compact fluorescent lights CFLs and LEDs (as mentioned above). Smart meters, also known as "spy and fry" meters, are a major EMF health threat that has been deployed worldwide. In addition to the microwave radiation, they create dirty electricity in the house wiring. Opt out if possible and learn how to refuse a smart meter or replace it yourself.
Also, the commercial 5G rollout (and here, here, and here) that is being rolled out quickly, without any safety testing, both worldwide (and here) and from space for faster communication and the 'internet of things' smart grid (and potentially for mass surveillance, as a directed energy weaponized AI-run active denial system, and transhumanism) will have serious health effects (and here and here) and interfere with weather forecasts. It is NOT an upgrade from 4G (the current fourth generation wireless network), but a fundamentally different system. It will start with the lower microwave frequencies of 700Mhz - 6 GHz, which can still be measured by current meters, and be ramped up to the higher millimeter-wave frequencies of 24/30 GHz - 300GHz. Learn how to take legal action in your community against 5G here, here, and here (at the InPowerMovement). A much safer, faster, cheaper, more secure, reliable, and energy-efficient alternative is the wired fiber optic systems.
EMFs affect the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems, and because they affect many vital systems at the same time, they cause multiple and wide-ranging symptoms (more evidence of 5G harm here, here, and in the 2018 US government-funded $30 million NTP study here or here). For example, they suppress pineal gland activity and reduce melatonin production thus disrupting the bodies circadian rhythms. They also suppress the parathyroid gland activity thus disrupting calcium ion regulation leading to weaker cell membranes and negatively impacting the muscles, bones, and nervous system. More people worldwide are becoming electro-sensitive (and here) due to overexposure. The 1996 US Telecommunications Act took away state and local government's right to limit wireless technology and antennas on health or environmental grounds. The World Health Organization admitted in 2011 that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic (cancer causing). Because much scientific research proves EMFs are a health hazard (high health risk), just like smoking cigarettes, insurance companies exclude coverage for EMF radiation.
Protecting yourself from EMFs is important. Keeping a safe distance from an EMF source is best or use shielding (and here) like fabrics, films, paint, canopies, etc. especially in the sleeping area. Mylar is an inexpensive, effective, light, and convenient shielding material. Use wired connections instead of wireless when you can. An EMF meter kit (includes an EM meter, RF meter, and dirty electricity meter), also found here, is necessary for checking if EMF levels at a certain location are safe and to check shielding effectiveness. You can check the sounds of common EMF sources here. It's best to be a few meters away from an internal RF source at home and greater than 300 meters away from an external RF source outside the home like a cell phone tower. Long-term frequent use of cell phones, for example, can cause cancer so limit your cell phone use, and use headphones or the speakerphone whenever possible. Keep the cell phone at a safe distance from your body at all times (at least 15mm as mentioned in all phone manuals) especially when you sleep, and in 'airplane mode' when not in use or with all data off (so it's not constantly pinging a network every few seconds). Earthing or grounding regularly in a safe environment only (and here) is helpful in addition to the many health benefits it offers (grounding shoe sticker here). Using certain EMF protection devices (or here), biogeometry, orgonite, or shungite (which do not shield, but may harmonize the chaotic EMF waves or strengthen the body's biofield) may or may not be helpful, so they're best used with other types of protection and basic precautions. A simple inexpensive way to detect dirty electricity at the source is using an AM radio. Or use it first at the circuit breaker to check each of the circuit lines to see which may have a device hooked up that is a source of dirty electricity. The harmful effects of EMFs are cumulative thus becoming more severe over time. You can read more about reducing EMF exposure here. And here is a free e-book on how to make your home EMF-safe. You can also hire a home biologist for an assessment and guidance.
Heavy metal detoxification (since heavy metals are like mini-antennas in presence of EMFs), healthy fats especially saturated fats and foods high in B vitamins (to maintain physical integrity/fluidity of protective cell membranes and nerve insulation and myelination), electrolytes especially magnesium, iodine (sea vegetables like kelp are an excellent source), sunlight especially the beneficial frequencies of red/lower infrared colors and CoQ10+PQQ (for mitochondrial health), and medicinal mushrooms (like reishi, shitake, mitake, chaga, and lions mane) and their extracts help protect the body from the harmful effects of EMFs.
(2) Limit exposure to outdoor polluted air:
Limit time outdoors in high smog areas, or when heavy toxic chemtrail spraying outside (and here) occurring worldwide under the guise of "geoengineering" and exposed with undeniable proof at the UN), and in radioactive areas (esp. from Japan's ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster). As of early 2015, the Fukushima radiation (from the triple meltdown in 2011) has reached the North American coast and is causing an alarming mass die-off of marine animals and birds. This phone application will turn your phone into a Geiger Counter. Regular detoxification of heavy metals, chemicals, and radiation is necessary. Sea vegetables like spirulina, fermented foods (or probiotics), and medicinal mushrooms are the most protective foods against radiation and environmental pollutants.
Also, limit exposure to indoor polluted air by having air filtering plants in the house (like philodendrons, snake plants, christmas cactus, areca palm, lady palm, bamboo palm, ferns, etc.) or with a good quality air filter and ionizer. At least three plants in a room is sufficient, and these plants will naturally absorb toxins and convert CO2 to oxygen. Also Himalayan crystal salt lamps or candle holders, aromatherapy diffusers, beeswax candles, sage incense, and bamboo charcoal clean the air fairly well. It's also important to minimize use of chemical products especially home cleaning supplies.
(3) Limit exposure to light pollution:
This includes compact fluorescent lights CFLs (which contain toxic mercury and other carcinogens, cause dirty electricity, emit flickers which cause neurological disturbances, contain high amounts of sleep disrupting/melatonin suppressing blue light, and dangerous levels of EMFs). Hazardous EMFs from CFLs can cause headaches, chronic fatigue, tinnitus, respiratory problems, gastric problems, sleep disorders, skin problems, and even cancer. LED lights are also harmful to the health for similar reasons. LED street lights can also be used for surveillance. Use the safe inexpensive clear incandescent light bulbs at home which were banned a few years ago, but can still be found easily especially online. Or full spectrum lights which simulate natural sunlight with its full spectrum of frequencies and colors thus providing healthy lighting. They are used in Scandinavia to treat depression. The red and lower infrared color wavelengths (630-850nm) are especially beneficial to health. If using the computer at night, use freeware programs like flux to automatically calibrate the computer or device display's color temperature to the time of the day, or adjust your device setting to reduce the blue light. You can also use blue-light blocker glasses.
(4) Limit exposure to noise pollution:
Reduce exposure to man-made noises and listen to relaxing music, sounds of nature, or peaceful silence :) Use ear plugs when exposed to loud noises.
As a certified holistic nutritionist and health coach, I offer donation-based personalized email consulting or coaching in the convenience of your home and at any time that suits you. It allows you to have daily access to a holistic health practitioner.
I assist with general health assessments, diet and lifestyle analysis, holistic nutrition and lifestyle plans, natural healing remedies and protocols for various ailments, info on health problems and goals, detoxification info and guidance, holistic self-care strategies, meditation info (passive and dynamic), breathwork, cancer recovery and prevention coaching, ketogenic diet coaching, weight loss coaching, overcoming sugar addiction, niacin therapy guidance, environmental health and home biology guidance (protection from harmful EMFs like electrical/magnetic/RF/dirty electricity pollution, light pollution, and air pollution), optional functional medicine diagnostic test recommendations (mineral levels, heavy metal toxicity, etc), and optional recommendations for high quality food-sourced supplements, superfoods, and detox products.
I also teach holistic health workshops at organic farms or at a host's home.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Best wishes on your health journey!
“Zico provided me with months of support and natural healing advice during a challenging time when cancerous cells were discovered on my cervix and the doctors told me that removing a quarter of my cervix was my only option. After following Zico's natural cancer treatment protocol for two months instead of having the very invasive surgery, a test revealed that the cancerous cells had cleared up. Zico also coached me through digestive disorders that I developed as a result of taking antibiotics, and as I did my gut health noticeably improved at a very fast rate. I always felt very safe and comfortable following his advice, and I really loved his personal approach and words of encouragement during what was quite an emotionally testing time. Thank you so much for everything Zico! I can happily say that thanks to your guidance, I am the healthiest I have ever been in my whole life." Eliza C., England
"I began my wellness and keto journey last year with Zico’s guidance. At the time, I was battling inflammation and occasional gout, and was ready to make a change that would provide relief from the pain I was experiencing. He advised me to do a detox and then to begin eliminating sugar and high carb foods from my diet, while adding healthy fats. I found that my body was then able to heal itself and experienced less aches and pains, more energy, and improved cognition and brain health. I also feel it has improved my gut health and eliminated the acid reflux issues I experienced occasionally. Glad I had Zico personally coach me through this transition which has been life changing and transforming for me!" Suzy B., USA
* The information on this website is for educational purposes only and not medical advice*